Offset the cost of this mail service by sending a PDF copy for them to print locally.
Use the freight cost savings to buy and plant trees on their behalf with Docs4Trees.

...and brings benefits to our planet.

Doing more for the environment
As a group of like-minded business owners and educators who care for the future of our planet, we were looking for ways to address global environmental issues, in an impactful way. Having looked closely at the many available options we soon discovered that there was limited scope for ‘individualized’ actions. Thus Docs4Trees was created.
At Docs4Trees we offer individual solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients, making use of recognized and trusted partners in a number of effective areas. These include projects in a wide range of countries, covering a huge range of environmental solutions.
Looking to the future
We see our future as an expanding development of individuals and organizations that are all working together for the common environmental good. We have already formed many sustainable partnerships with private sector businesses, specifically micro, small and medium enterprises, and are looking to grow this list for the benefit of each individual company and the wider world.
These enterprises often operate in isolation and we aim to assist them in building dynamic business practices involving new strategies, ideas and knowledge. We also strive to improve enterprise competitiveness and also bring about broad-based and inclusive development, through clearly defined CSR and ECSR projects.
We work with a well-known educational training company who send a vast number of course completion certificates to their graduates all over the world. All their graduates are now offered the alternative option of planting trees and receiving a PDF certificate instead of a physical certificate in the post. As the cost of the physical certificate is included in the trainee’s course fees, the cost to the company for every certificate sent is around £10. By using the £8 Docs4Trees option they actually increase their profits slightly, reduce their admin time, and provide benefits for the course graduate and most of all, the environment.
Working with major environmental organizations, we can organize the planting of trees in around 30 locations worldwide.